Dr. Michal Perlman

Professor, University of Toronto and Director, Dr. R.G.N. Laidlaw Research Centre, University of Toronto

Curriculum vitae


Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)

University of Toronto

252 Bloor Street West
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5S 1V6

Petr Varmuza

Post Doc Emeritus

I completed my doctorate with Professor Perlman in 2021 but continue to work on a number of projects with her team. During my thirty years’ experience with the City of Toronto in the planning and management of children’s services, I have developed a child care service planning framework and the first Children’s Report Card. I have served on the Ontario Early Years Expert Panel and advised on several Child Care Human Resource Sector Council projects. My current research interests include the investigation of neighbourhood effects on the quality of child care programs, child care funding and equity of access issues.


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